
Updated: 4/7/2014
If the year is "HIGH LIGHTED"  & "Underlined"  (this indicates these years have been updated) 
Click on your year, it will take you to the corresponding  year of class names!

This information was gathered from:

1. The "Young People's Friends" paper that was out during the 40's, 50's & 60's.
2. High School Year books (some missing)
3. Class photo's with names
4. Commencement Cards

The first year that I have a "full list" of Seniors is the Class of 1945. Since I am trying to have only "one year" listed for each class, (otherwise it would be too confusing) you will be listed under what your "High School Graduation Year" was or would have been, (whether you graduated from A.G.O. or not.) Thus the "1945 8th grade graduates", will be listed in the "Class of 1949."

There will be a number on the left side of each name showing the last grade that I can account for.

Examples below .....

#1 indicates we can account for you up to your Freshman year;
#2 indicates we can account for you up to your Sophomore year;
#3 indicates we can account for you up to your Junior year.
#4 indicates we can account for you up to Senior Graduation.
#8 indicates you left after 8th Gr. Graduation
#G indicates you left during Grammar School
#? indicates no information available 

If you have any corrections regarding the spelling of names or if  you are listed under the wrong "class" please contact us. It can get confusing at times, I am not perfect, so mistakes will be made. Also, if you know of any kids that were in your class that may have left before 8th grade, let us know so we can include them with their class.  We do not want to leave anyone out!   For those years that we only have a few kids names, they will list them all on a separate page!

Administrators: Sylvia Huante
Don Fitzgerald

Please read the summary at the bottom of the page before clicking on the class year.  It will help you understand what the numbers are for next to the names.
These classes are in order by "High School" Class Year.  If you did not graduate High School from A.G.O., your name is still listed with your class.
If your name is missing, please contact the administrator.