Thank you for your interest in support of the AGO Sites.
All Contributions will go directly to defray the costs of hosting these 3 Website properties:
1. The AGO Website
2. Messageboard
3. Photosite
Alumni who make a contribution to our Website will receive a Free A.G.O. Bumper Sticker & Magnet.

Fitzgerald Family
Don Fitzgerald (5x)
Jack Fitzgerald (5x)
Maureen Fitzgerald
Tom Fitzgerald
Betty Frederick (3x)
Norine Glower
Dan Gordon
Duane Gordon
Andrea Hennes
Cerry Hermosillo (2x)
Updated: 10/13/2016
Mel Howard (2x)
Frank Hughes (4x)
John Joyce
Madeline Kennedy (3x)
Lou Kostakis (2x)
Wally Krueger (2x)
Cathy Larsen
Leon Mattigosh
Terry Meingasner
Joanne McCann
Suzanne McCann
Norm Mertel
Ed Nieves
Charles O'Donnell (3x)
Maria Realmo
Lydia Rodriguez
Donna Sorrentino
John Szostak (4x)
Rudy Tudjen (5x)
Bridget Tuttle (2x)
Shirley Vacco
Hope Villareal
Jim Vitello
Don Waldron (2x)
Ron Waldron
Gail Weber (2x)
Richard Weber (8x)
Gloria Zampa
Mary Zampa
Mike Ziemke
Leona Zymantas
Rich Zymantas
Cards are Free / Magnets = $1.00 - Orange or Blue
John Armendariz
David Baer
Pat Barrett (2x)
Dale Crowe (2x)
Darlene DiGuida
Mary DiGuida
Fred Dontsow
Debbie Duda
Arturo (Skip) DuPlessis
Joe Ellis
Karl Finan
Donations for Websites may be mailed to Sylvia Chaplin
Donations towards Reunions may be mailed to:

Mary Beth Wiley
4310 W. Fullerton
Chicago, IL 60639