Think about our Halloweens at AGO!!! Remember how the boys side always
had spooky haunted houses---or so we were told!!! Remember going to the
kitchen to pick up the big sheet cake and bottles of grape or orange Nehi??
Remember bringing the Little Kids up to the attic to scare them...(only after
really checking out the attic to be SURE there was nothing to really be afraid
of --- yourself!!!). Remember high school Halloween Parties in the girls gym!!!
I remember Halloween 1968 - Jean Copeland, Nancy Maguiness and I were all
trying to figure out what to dress up as and we were talking about it with Sr.Mary
Joseph, our history teacher who said "C'mon I'll take you to the attic and we'll find
something"!!! So --- she took us to the attics along the hallway leading to the Convent---remember where there was a little hill in the floor of that hallway? Well she had to go through several keys to get the right one...and when she got it open it was like going into an antique treasure box!!!! There was everything under the sun in the fantastic playground of costumes and furniture!!!
Well after taking quite a while looking and looking and Sr.Joseph trying to convince us of many ideas we settled on one that we knew we could have fun with!!!
So on Oct.31 who was it who rode in to the Girls Gym Party on a horse in a nightgown???? Yep--it was Lady Godiva herself!!!! With her trusty Steed!!!!
Well I was the only one with long hair---- and Jean and Nancy had back problems for a long time!!!! I don't remember who was the front or who was the back cuz we were laughing all the way !!! AND---thank God there were no pictures taken!!! Only in our heads!!! I'm SURE we looked even better than that commercial a few years later of Lady Godiva slowly riding her horse in the mist!!! I don't remember the product they were selling!!! Hahaha!!!
Memories of Halloween at A.G.O.