Michelle Kitchen 

Friday, 9/25/09, 10:32 AM
I am Sr. Louis neice and spent many days at the orphanage and my family brought several kids home
for the holidays, and info on Sr. please let me know, good or bad.
From: chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > sr. Louis cottage 23?
* * * * * * * *
Wednesday, 9/23/09, 9:39 AM
Syl, Mary and Don Fitz, I see job you three are doing for this web site
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 24'28 CLASS 1964
* * * * * * * *
Allan Birmantas 

Thursday, 9/17/09, 6:43 PM
After spending 4 miserable years at AGO,you would think that I would hate to even think of it.Time does strange things.Nostalgia has overcome me, and now I have mostly fine memories of the kids and of Sister Georgiana,despite the fact that I got plenty of beatings form her. I started playing a cornet under Sr Sylvester, and now almost 60 years later,I still dabble at playing trumpet in our community band.Who would have thunk it.
From: Kewanee,il
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > #30 grammar school grad 51
* * * * * * * *
Robert R. Steffen Jr. 

Saturday, 9/12/09, 12:55 AM
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > the 50's
* * * * * * * *
Joseph Michael Arreguin (SQUIB) 

Monday, 9/7/09, 9:25 AM
Guess I forgot a little, but I have recall! Also, I graduated in 1962 Does anyone remember DAWN Trudeau?? I think I spelled her last name correctly. Lets' hear from you all.
From: Formerly AGO now SE Indiana
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 23- Sister Rose Locker # was 19 ???
* * * * * * * *
Joseph Michael Arreguin (SQUIBB) 

Monday, 9/7/09, 9:00 AM
Hey all you out there from angel guardian Orphanage!!!!! Just a long overdue hello. Learning computers are a great new experience for me. You all are the first I want to say HI to. I have my complete list of my 1962 grade school graduaton class mates, and have often remembered and everyone I was there with. My nick name was SQUIBB in case you remember me God bless each and everyone of you. please respond to mikearrequin@oomtown.com
From: Chicago IL
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > (19) from 1954 to 1964
* * * * * * * *
James Carey 

Thursday, 8/27/09, 2:19 PM
angel guardian was the good, the bad and the ugly. high school was good as we had some of the best
sports facalities in chicago. grammer school was bad as it was like junival home. some cottages were
ugly if you had sadistic nun as we had in cottage 29 but it is not the cards you were delt but how you
played your hand. blessings to all former agos
From: rancho cucamonga, ca.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > cottage 29 - 1958
* * * * * * * *
Zyg Dabrowski 

Thursday, 8/27/09, 1:21 PM
Spent four years there with my older bros Joe and Stanley. Sr Stella was the nun over our group. I might
be able to locate some photo with a little bit of work. In finding this site i was fortunate to find my old friend Edward Nieves. it's a site with a good purpose. Thank you, Zyg D.
From: Florida
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > c-21 60' to 64'
* * * * * * * *
Sandra Ornig Schow 

Thursday, 8/27/09, 8:57 AM
I think my mother and her sister were in your orphanage in 1920 - 1927. I am looking for any info on her
parents or on herself and her sister. Please email. Her name was Donna Forber
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 1920
* * * * * * * *
Rita Galvin 

Thursday, 8/20/09, 1:44 PM
Trying to find old friends. I lived there from 1964 to 1969. The McCanns Peggy Bankston Irene Krupski
From: Orland Park, IL
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 45
* * * * * * * *
Dorothy Dunne 

Tuesday, 8/18/09, 4:45 PM
I would love to hear from others that were there during this same time period, maybe some old friends.
My correct name now is Dorothy Lesch. It's so wonderful to have found this web-site.
From: Lexington, South Carolina
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 43 Years 1933 to 1944
* * * * * * * *
Anna Norton 

Friday, 7/31/09, 4:04 PM
My Grandfather and his younger brother were raised at Angel Guardian in the late 1800's. His name was Mathias Diederich and his brother was Dominic. Uncle Dominic became a preist and his parish was
St. Maurice in Chicago.
From: Huntington Beach, Ca
* * * * * * * *
Kathy (McPike)Higginbottom 

Monday, 7/20/09, 11:20 AM
I lived at AGO from Jul 1966 to Nov 1969, with my sisters Ronnie, Darleen, & Kelly.
From: I am from Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > cottage 46
* * * * * * * *
Harold E. Boucher 

Saturday, 7/18/09, 6:35 AM
My older brother Bill and 2 younger sisters, Mary and Margie were inmates at A.G.O. from 1951 to 1953. My brother's memories of A.G.O. are not good and he will not talk of them to this day. I remember very little of my time in A.G.O. or the other 2 orphanages we spent time in. My sisters never discuss any of their experiences either. It's amazing that so many lost souls from the same institution(s) keep coming together. We are a unique bunch indeed.
From: Meridian, ID
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage #25 - 1951 to 1953
* * * * * * * *
Raymond Smilgius 

Saturday, 7/4/09, 7:38 AM
I arrived at AGO in October of 1946 with my younger brother Larry (who was sent to the babyhouse, and graduated in 1958.
From: Crystal Lake, Il.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 27 class of 1958
* * * * * * * *

Thursday, 7/2/09, 12:53 PM
Hello, I did not graduate from AGO. I went to a foster home while I was in 8th grade. My older brother James Carey did graduate in 1958. I just came across this web site today (07-02-2009). I did order some photos of my brother. This sure brings back some old memories. Some good and some bad. Thank You, Michael Carey
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 22 ( 1952-1956 )
* * * * * * * *
Marianne O'Reilly Collins 

Monday, 5/25/09, 11:30 AM
I was there when I was 5yrs. old. I was only there for 6 weeks because I cried the whole time I was there.
My sister(janis) and brothers(michael and tommy)O'Reilly they were there for 6 months. It was Jan thru
June in 1952 or maybe 1953. Does anyone remember my siblings?
My sister who was 6yrs older than me used to come to the nursery to console me and each time she did she was punished and told she would be thrown out if she came to see me again. All the stories my Brothers have shared with me are so sad.
My one brother used to wet his bed(7yrs) and the nuns would make him wash them in the shower.. How
sad is this. We had no choice in being there and then not to be treated in a loving and caring way is awful. If anyone remembers my siblings THe O'Reilly's please let me know.
From: Lincolnshire, IL
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > the nursery
* * * * * * * *

Wednesday, 5/6/09, 9:02 PM
Looking for James "Jimmy" Thompson who lived at AGO from 1969-1973. He was in Cottage #23 (I think) with Sr. Rose. My mother was his visiting foster parent and we would love to know his whereabouts.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 23
* * * * * * * *
JoAnne Tinebro 

Sunday, 5/3/09, 6:52 AM
I am searching family history. My father's brothers and sister were here in the 1930's he ran away because he was 16 and went out on his own their last name was Serafino. Five of them Anna, Florence, Edward, Walter and George. I am trying to find the names of their parents. I know their mother's first name was Harriet and she was put into Manteno after a nervous breakdown as called in those days but I have no history or even a first name of their father. Does anyone have info or remember them and could tell me about them!
From: Downers Grove, IL
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > do not know
* * * * * * * *
Bob Jennings 

Wednesday, 4/22/09, 7:59 AM
My mother, while growing up in Chicago, was best friends with Annette (Neddie) Thilmany who did stay
at the Guardian Angel. This was during the early 20's. As they grew older, they became inseparable.
I have photos of what I think is Neddie at the orphanage, but I need to know what the girls' uniforms were back then. Can anyone help me out or give me a suggestion as to where I can find this information?
From: Evergreen, CO
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Tom Davis 

Saturday, 4/18/09, 8:59 PM
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 23/1970
* * * * * * * *

Saturday, 4/18/09, 5:52 PM
My name is Mark Mogan and I am researching my geneology. My Grandfather was a former, he was
born in 1888 and passed in 1951. Does anyone know how I might attempt to trace his records? Any
info is greatly appreciated. Sincerely
From: Mogan
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > unknown
* * * * * * * *
Lawrence Clemens 

Saturday, 2/14/09, 7:30 PM
My mother, Magdalene Ellgass, was one of five or so of her siblings who, although not orphans, came
from a broken family around 1910-1915 to GA Orphanage. Could I find any information about this family? Her sister, Katherine (Catherine?)Ellgas married a man, John Schober. Might she have met him there? Lawrence Clemens, age 71 Minneapolis
From: Chicago
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August Zymantas 

Monday, 1/26/09, 12:16 PM
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > cottage 24 1967
* * * * * * * *
Monica Burgett 

Sunday, 1/18/09, 3:16 PM
I was adopted at about 6 months of age from here December of 1967. My adopted last name was
Imbruglia, married name Burgett.
From: Chicago, Ill
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Don't know
* * * * * * * *

Sunday, 12/21/08, 11:09 AM
From: I Think Toronto
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > NOT SURE
* * * * * * * *
Tom McNicholas 

Friday, 11/21/08, 8:56 AM
Myself, my older sister Kathy and 2 of my younger brothers stayed there between the years of 1965 to 1969. My sister was on the Girls side,(gotta love that yellow line between the boys and girls), my younger brother Pat and I were in Sister Patrick's cottage (she loved the paddle with the ball on a string) not sure of the cottage number. My other younger brother Mike was in another cottage because he was much younger. I was there between the ages of 6-9.
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > I think maybe
Cottage 29, 1977 St. AugustinE Seminary
* * * * * * * *
Kathleen McNicholas Doherty 

Friday, 11/21/08, 8:05 AM
wow - I can't believe this web site exists - i was there from 2nd grade through 6th grade -
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > cottage 46
* * * * * * * *
Tom Warner 

Saturday, 10/25/08, 3:54 AM
My name is Tom Warner I'm 26 years old, I never attended here(because I wasn't even born yet) but I had a grandfather (Jack Warner) that helped with some of the athletics there and I was wondering if you had some storys or pictures you can share with me. I have a few pictures and a trophy that maybe I could share with you. (I don't have a computer at home so I don't check my e-mails all the time) Thank You
From: Des Plaines IL.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > n/a
* * * * * * * *
Joseph M. Garcia 

Wednesday, 10/1/08, 7:14 AM
Our eight grade classmates were the last students to leave before the closure of this great establishment. A.G.O. Wings. We didn't graudate because the Home closed in March or April, I don't remember,and we were transfered to other schools. I went to Our Lady of Victory. I was taken in by a Wonderful Gleason family and to this day they are my family for life God Bless them. I have four boys two out of college one in and one senior in high school. and a beatuiful grand-daughter Mia Eve Garcia. Wishing to hear from some of my classmates and hope everyone is good! JOE!
From: Miami Florida
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 29-7 1967-1974 grammer school
* * * * * * * *
Michael Krausman 

Sunday, 8/24/08, 3:10 PM
My brothers Edward & Kenneth Krausman also were there in the mid to late sixties. Ed stayed for
several years until it closed but Ken & I were put into foster homes.
From: Kalispell, Montana
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 1966 to1968
* * * * * * * *
Mary K Lopez (Price) 

Sunday, 8/24/08, 5:56 AM
hello all I have visited other sites, i.e. Donna's I return every now and again when there's time. I went
to the reunion in 2001 and would like to attend another. God bless Mary
From: miller beach in
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 46 1971
* * * * * * * *
Shirley Vacco Chappetto 

Tuesday, 8/19/08, 4:00 PM
It is so nice to read & hear about former orphans
From: Evergreen Pk, IL.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 44- 1959
* * * * * * * *
Harold R. Kurowski 

Friday, 8/8/08, 11:23 AM
Would like to know if there will ever be another re- union. The last one I attended was about 6 or 7 years ago.
From: formerly Chicago now Spring Hill Tn
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 29 - I left in 1957 didn't graduate
* * * * * * * *
Barbara Flosi 

Friday, 7/25/08, 7:36 AM
I am really really excited that I found your site. You have an alumni by the name of Lujean Pluta in your
mist. She was my best friend when I was in AGO. I would love to get in contact with her and anyone from
that cottage. I am so excited to find this site. Thank you very very much for doing this. Please keep in touch and I will be faithfull to your website. Thank you again for this website. Your truly and every greatful Barbara Guenther (Flosi)
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage #42 - Left in 1970
* * * * * * * *
Darlene Di Guida 

Tuesday, 5/27/08, 7:21 AM
Hi. The DiGuida girls are all doing fine. Mary, Stephanie and I all live in the Chicago area and Lorraine
lives in Dallas. Even though our brother John was not at AGO, many of Mary and Lorraine's friends also
knew him. He's fine and living in Chicago. This is a great website. Thanks so much for creating it. We had so much fun looking at it last night. However, it was also sad to see who we've lost, especially those who served our country. Keep me posted of future reunions and I'll pass on the information to my sisters.
God bless you for keeping our memories alive. Darlene
From: Wheaton, Illinois
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 44 Class of 1972
* * * * * * * *
Rick Guild 

Sunday, 5/11/08, 8:37 PM
My Mother Jean Bode and her brother Bill and sister Marion were raised in the AGO from approximately
1929 - 1943 with her siblings there for a few more years. She has told me numerous stories of her
childhood and through your website and pictures I can imagine a little clearer what her life was like back
then.Thank you for your website.
From: De Pere, WI
* * * * * * * *
Richard Zymantas 

Thursday, 5/8/08, 10:37 AM
If anyone would like to get in touch with me call me at 773-384-1980. Look forward to hearing from some of the friends of A.G.O.
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 24
* * * * * * * *
Christine Ramirez 

Thursday, 4/17/08, 12:37 PM
I haven't been back to AGO in awhile. Renate Brkic has found this site so I visit from time to time to see
whats new. She and her sisters have gone to some of the reunions. But she has just came back into my
life after her daughter was born, which Emma is now 15 years and in high school and doing great. I was in cottage 43 with Marybeth Wiley and her sisters in the sixties as the were older than myself then. You have all done a great thing with these reunions. Just sometimes you can never go back home. Well my time on this computer is almost up gotta go. Thanks Christine Ramirez
From: wisconsin
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 43.1974
* * * * * * * *
Patricia Ann (Smith) Bosshart 

Thursday, 4/10/08, 7:53 AM
My brother George Smith and I were residents at A.G.O. in the early to mid fifties. Although we were
only there a short time, would love to know if anyone remembers us. I do have a few names that may or
maynot be accurate. Mary Dumbo(???) a little oriental girl my mother would take with us on some outings. Margie Bell...in my cottage, I believe the same age as myself. Carol Johnson...also in my cottage and I think the same age. I have many pictures taken at the time also. I have lots of memories of being there. It would be nice to see what comes of this e-mail. Thank you, Pat
From: Onalaska, WI
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Don't know & 1967
* * * * * * * *
Theresa Kurzweil 

Saturday, 3/22/08, 10:09 AM
Hi, My 2 other sisters and I lived there in the early 70's, my sisters names are Mary Kurzweil and Liz Kurzweil. I went there for kindergarten and 1st grade. Liz was in the baby cottage and then came over to 42. It would be great to hear from anyone else that was there during the early 1970's in cottage 42. Thanks, Theresa
From: Cottage 42 - now live in S
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 42
* * * * * * * *
Julie Smith 

Wednesday, 3/5/08, 5:05 PM
My grandmother and her three sisters lived at the Orphanage of and on for many years. I am doing family research and would welcome any information that anyone has. My grandmother was Elisabeth Kausemann, her sisters were Ida, Josephine, and Anna (Who's real name is Mary).
Kausemann is the true spelling of my Grandmother's last name, I am not sure when it happened, but the spelling of the name was changed to Causeman. The Orphanage records have the spellings both ways. My Great Grandparents were Charles and Nora Causeman. Real ethnic spellings are Karl Kausemann and Eleonore, this was on church records, however, otherwise she was always listed as Nora.
I would like to know more about the orphanage if someone would like to correspond with me. My Grandmother was there from about age 9-16. Prior to this they were at the Chicago Home of the Friendless, and they also spent time at the Katharine Kasper Industrial School for Girls. Regards, Julie Smith
From: Zumbrota, MN
* * * * * * * *
Kathy Raymond 

Thursday, 2/28/08, 7:07 AM
As a continuation of a previous message. My mother's name was Josephine Walsh. She left
Angel Guardian in the mid 1940's. If there is anyone who may remenber her or haveany information
about her, I would appreciate your contacting me. Thank you.
From: Mount Prospect, Illinois
* * * * * * * *
Kathy Raymond 

Thursday, 2/28/08, 7:00 AM
My mother was raised at Angel Guardian Orphanage around in the 1930's and 1940's.
From: Mount Prospect, Illinois
* * * * * * * *
Joanne O'reilly 

Sunday, 2/24/08, 7:22 PM
My Mother was at the home in about 1930. She just told me that she didn't peel the potaotes right and
had to eat the pells for dinner. Her name was Theresa De Rose her sister and 2 brother where also there. She said the nuns were mean.
From: Chicago
* * * * * * * *
David Cipriani 

Sunday, 2/24/08, 5:08 AM
From: Chicago
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 23 1966-71
* * * * * * * *
Tina M. Alvarado (nee:Adorno) 

Monday, 2/18/08, 9:49 PM
My three brothers Desi, Luis & Marcos were also at Angel Guardian in Cottage 26
From: Round Lake, Illinois
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 42 - Graduated in 1971
* * * * * * * *
John Pardo 

Wednesday, 2/13/08, 8:11 AM
I left quite suddenly in 1964, I didn't get to say goodbye to any of my fellow clasmates! I am wondering
who is still around????????????
From: Brookwood Al.
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > Cottage 30 1952-1965
* * * * * * * *
Michelle McConnell 

Tuesday, 2/12/08, 12:40 PM
From: California
Please include your COTTAGE & CLASS YEAR - - - > 41-3 1969
* * * * * * * *
Pete Bush 

Sunday, 2/10/08, 5:19 PM
From cottage #28 1945- 46 -47 Resided in Chicago most of my life . Now retired and live in Texas
From: Texas
* * * * * * * *
Chuck Pardo 

Saturday, 2/9/08, 7:01 PM
I was in the orhanage from 1953-1965 and am having a hard time with the information from AGO so if somebody could contact me at my hotmail address, I'd greatly appreciate it. Chuck
From: N Hollywood, Ca
* * * * * * * *
Catherine Gill 

Wednesday, 1/30/08, 6:33 PM
From: Chicago
* * * * * * * *
Debbie Barclay 

Tuesday, 1/29/08, 7:34 AM
Both my Grandfather and my husbands Grandfather where in the Orphanage. Roman Langer and John Barclay I was wondering if I could get some information about when they where there. More specifically where they there in the same years? 1910ish on.. Thank you, a loving grandaughter Debbie Barclay
From: xxxxxx
* * * * * * * *
Jim Waffle 

Friday, 1/25/08, 9:58 AM
Hi, I am the brother of Tom Waffle and would just like to say thanks so much for the foundation that you
set my brother on so he could live a great life. Jim
From: Dnever, CO
* * * * * * * *
Tracy Kadar 

Monday, 12/17/07, 12:07 AM
Just to give you some background, as I was at AGO with my sisters, Darlene and Carol Kadar and my brothers Bob and Arthur Kadar during the late 50"s and early 60's. Had some horrible memories but most were very good memories, or ones I can look back on and laugh about now.
After leaving AGO went to St.Benedicts elementary school and than on to Dwight D. Eisenhower high school in Blue Island IL. and graduated in 1970, My older brother Art went to Brother Rice High School, and my sister went to Mother of Sorrows. Boy, was that a long time ago, but its one of those events in your life you never forget........thanks for letting me remember when.....................tracyk
From: Kernersville, NC 27284
* * * * * * * *
Lillian Kujawa 

Friday, 12/14/07, 1:03 PM
I was at A.G.O. in 1970 to 1974
From: chicago
* * * * * * * *

Sunday, 12/2/07, 7:01 PM
My sister Linda & I were in Str. Carmeline's Cottage , and our brother Mike was on the boy's side .
We were the Glowers . Some of these names ring a bell - which leads me to think I was in Cottage 41 .
Does anybody recall( in the 50's) giving me permission to slip my cottage cheese on their dinner plate
on nites when they would be late to dinner after swimming ?I was thrilled to hear that because I had been putting it in my pocket on her late nites .. Norine
From: Angel Guardian / Cottage 41(?)
* * * * * * * *
Leona Rosenmeier 

Saturday, 12/1/07, 12:33 PM
My mother was in Angel Guardian Orphanage in the early 1900's and she hated it. It must have changed mightily by the time the photos of the happy children were taken. I'm pleased that later residents found it
a pleasant place.
* * * * * * * *

Friday, 11/9/07, 10:19 AM
Hi Syl...just realized you had the "Who are We" page on the main page....has it been there long and I've
just missed it! The website is fabulous; we're grateful for all of your hard work and dedication!! SuzieQ
From: AGO
* * * * * * * *

Tuesday, 10/30/07, 6:08 PM
* * * * * * * *
Shirley Vacco Chappetto 

Monday, 10/29/07, 10:39 AM
* * * * * * * *
Don Fitzgerald 

Wednesday, 10/17/07, 7:27 AM
Very well done, Syl. It must get boring, being so competent. Just joking. Thanks for all of your efforts.
The website is improving, daily! Don
From: Chicago, IL
* * * * * * * *
Joe Klebosky 

Tuesday, 10/16/07, 8:01 PM
From: chicago
* * * * * * * *
Carla Felleti 

Tuesday, 10/16/07, 10:07 AM
From: angel guardian/cottage 46,43