Age 23 - 1969 -1970
Chu Chi, South Vietnam - Stand Down
U.S Army, Nov - 64 to July 95
Military Service: 17 November 1964, retiring 31 July 1995
I am proud of my military service; receiving the respect from all my native uncles, who they themselves had served in World War Two or Korea. My service has been a Badge of Honor; that only those who raise their hand and taken the Oath of Enlistment can appreciate. Our Band annually honors our Veterans with a Pow Wow; and I hold my head high when I dance with other Veterans from all conflicts.
Upon my return from Vietnam; the Elders of my Band honored me with an Eagle feather, which I treasure.
From my 18 August 1969 to 17 August 1970 tour in South Vietnam; I still have or use my dog tags, jungle hat, Schick Injector razor, Seiko wrist watch and Zippo lighter with the 25th Division Lightning Strawberry emblem. They are memories and are treasured.
Good Bless American and every man and women who serve or have served.